Fekede Gemechu '66

Fekede Gemechu在埃塞俄比亚基督复临安息日会(Seventh-day Adventist)传教士建造的学校附近出生和长大. 这种从小接受基督教教育的机会改变了他的人生轨迹. Not long after graduating from high school, he met two Adventist missionary physicians, Carl Houmann and Robert Rigsby, who gave him a scholarship to 沃拉沃拉大学. He left his home in Ethopia with a promise to Houmann and Rigsby to return one day.

1962年,他从埃塞俄比亚到沃拉沃拉的旅行花了五个星期,最后乘坐灰狗巴士穿越美国,在米尔顿-弗里沃特下车. 当他的同学们很快把他的名字从费克德改成弗雷德时,他觉得很有趣,但也很愿意.

Gemechu在华盛顿大学获得化学学士学位,毕业于洛马林达大学医学院. 他继续在凯特琳医疗中心完成临床实习,并在马里兰大学完成外科住院医师, 巴尔的摩. 他在南加州永久医疗集团(Southern California Permanente Medical Group)担任外科医生多年,其间埃塞俄比亚爆发了一系列旷日持久的内战.

When he returned in 1992 he was not prepared for the widespread devastation, 贫困, and starvation he encountered. 他的妻子阿泽布(Azeb)鼓励他只选择一个社区,并开始做力所能及的事情. With the help of the local people, they established Kalala Learning Village a few miles east of Addis Ababa. The village is a community resource center that provides education; infrastructure improvements such as electricity, 道路, and bridges; medical care; and work and learning opportunities at small-scale industries. With the help of friends and colleagues, 葛梅楚还成立了慈善组织国际医学和学术联盟, which provides support and guidance for Kalala Learning Village projects.

今天, 1000多名儿童在卡拉拉学习村从幼儿园到八年级, 目前正在建设中的一所高中计划于今年9月开学.


Since graduating from 沃拉沃拉大学, Laurel Dovich has worked as a professional civil engineer. She has also worked in what she calls her “real calling” of teaching, 在冈萨加大学, 爱达荷大学, Eastern Washington University, and 沃拉沃拉大学.

While studying at the University of Michigan, a top 10 engineering school where she earned a doctorate, 多维奇是该大学第一位为获得结构工程博士学位而进行实验研究的女性. Within a year of completing her research, her findings were implemented in Southern California to make buildings safer. 她的研究让她获得了美国国家科学基金会在日本为期三个月的任命,在那里她致力于发现1995年神户地震中建筑物倒塌的原因. 

多维奇小的时候, her family moved from Canada to the West Indies, which was an experience that shaped her relationship with God, made the world a smaller place for her, and increased her love of adventure. God has used Dovich’s world-wise adventurous spirit throughout her professional life. 她参加了改善第三世界国家混凝土的研讨会,并在2010年毁灭性地震后花了一个月的时间在海地检查建筑物并提出建议. 她在北加勒比大学担任了为期一年的志愿者教学职位,并在阿拉斯加工作了一段时间,设计了在永久冻土上建造的管道桥梁和丛林学校.

多维奇和她的丈夫, 迈克尔·法伦, love spending time in nature where they enjoy mounting biking, 徒步旅行, 徒步旅行, 爬山, 还有奔流的河流. 她把对户外活动的热爱变成了一生的研究使命,将上帝在自然界中优越的结构设计和材料与她在课堂上提出的概念联系起来.

她是美国混凝土协会的活跃成员,并担任技术出版物和国家科学基金会研究奖的同行评议. 她曾在学术学科会议的圣经基础和基督教工程会议上发言, and she frequently publishes scholarly articles.

在她的职业生涯中, 德维奇指导和服侍了无数的学生和同事与神同行. She encourages all to hold high standards, to follow their passions rather than money, to use time wisely so they can pack as much as possible into life, to seek rejuvenation and connection with God in nature, and to love the people God puts in their lives.


给詹姆斯·克里斯蒂安森, 基督徒生活最重要的方面是让基督住在你里面,并向自己死. As found in Philippians 1:21: “For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.”

克里斯蒂安森毕业于沃拉沃拉大学,获得了健康科学和医学院的学士学位. 在完成公共卫生硕士学位并在洛马林达大学学习流行病学之后, plans for medical school gave way to his love for young people, and he spent the next five years teaching at Loma Linda Academy.

In 2004 Christianson launched his career as a professional photographer. During the last 12 years, he has built an acclaimed wedding photography business, 现在,他在美国和其他地方旅行,为客户收集遗产,其中包括著名的风险投资家, 对冲基金经理, and Hollywood producers and celebrities such as Ralph Lauren and the Bush family.

最近, he and his business partner, 亲爱的索伦森, started a new business in the payment services industry. 那家公司, 叫P3, works across many sectors, but focuses primarily on health care payment services. 通过P3, 克里斯蒂安森通过将公司利润的50%捐赠给教育系统来支持复临教育,这对他的生活产生了很大的影响. 克里斯蒂安森说,他在基督复临教会的教育体系中一直有敬虔的导师, 比如蒂姆·温德穆斯, 加里Hamburgh, and Ralph Perrin from the WWU health and physical education department, had a profound effect on his academic and spiritual experience.

他不工作的时候, Christianson; his wife, Charlene; and their three boys can be found biking, 徒步旅行, 野营, 钓鱼, 滑雪, and golfing near their Colorado home. He says his future goals are simple: to continue to be an active, helpful member of his community and church, 并通过他最新的商业投资,进一步推动复临教育的成功和使命.


With the exception of his first year out of the seminary, 查尔斯·斯克里文(Charles Scriven)在他的整个成年生活中都担任杂志或期刊的编辑或其他直接责任. As a 沃拉沃拉大学 student he was editor of the student newspaper, The Collegian; he was founding associate editor of Insight magazine; and he has served on the board of Adventist Forum, publisher of Spectrum magazine, 自2004年以来. 斯克里文也是一位作家,为宗教和宗教杂志撰写了100多篇文章和特写.

然而,他在基督复临安息日会的影响远远超出了印刷的书页. He taught journalism at WWU from 1974 to 1975 and theology from 1981 to 1986. 1985年至1992年,他担任Sligo Seventh-day Adventist Church的高级牧师,1992年至2000年担任Washington Adventist University的校长. 2013年,他从凯特林学院(Kettering College)院长的职位上退休,在那里他领导了一个翻新大学学习和办公空间的团队, 监督学院从两年制向硕士学位授予机构的转变, and saw enrollment increase from 500 students to nearly 1,000.

Scriven拥有沃拉沃拉大学神学和圣经语言学士学位, a master of divinity degree from Andrews University, 以及研究生神学联盟的博士学位,专攻系统神学和社会伦理学.

自从退休, he continues scholarly writing for Adventist publications and others, such as The Christian Century and the Anglican Theological Review. 

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